
East Lake Station Rehabilitation

New south bridge Staged in south parking lot CROPPED Image Description: The above image shows the staging of the new south pedestrian bridge in the south parking lot at East Lake after delivery. The bridge sits on top of support beams as crew members secure the top and side. The sun sets in the background. 

Current Status


North Bridge: The new north bridge and north parking lot reopened in December 2024. 

South Bridge: The south entrance closure for the replacement of the south pedestrian bridge has been delayed. A new closure date has not yet been set, but MARTA is committed to providing advance notice once it is confirmed. In the meantime, both north and south entrances and parking lots will remain open, though parking in the south lot is limited by construction staging. Local buses 2, 19, and 34 will continue to operate as scheduled from the bus loop on the south side. 

Work continues on the new elevator in the north with an estimated opening for customers in early April. Elevator access remains only on the south side until the new north elevator opens. 

Please see the update below for additional information on the south closure delay. 


MARTA is disappointed to announce that we are delaying the closure of the south entrance to East Lake Station for the replacement of the south pedestrian bridge. The south entrance was previously planned to close on March 24, 2025. A new closure date has not been set.  

Despite this delay, significant progress has been made on the project, including the full reopening of the new north pedestrian bridge and parking lot. However, two key factors have impacted the timeline for the next phase of construction: 

North Elevator Installation: Closing the south entrance requires having the new elevator on the north side fully operational for customers. A major rainstorm in February caused flooding inside the new elevator shaft, which led to delays installing the new elevator equipment. We currently expect it to open for customers in early April.  

South Bridge Replacement Coordination: In addition, there is ongoing coordination required to establish the work plan and schedule for removing the old south bridge and replacing it with the new one, which is currently being assembled in the south parking lot. The south bridge is nearly twice as long as the north bridge and spans both College Avenue and two active freight rail lines. This makes the coordination more complex than for the north bridge, which was successfully installed in July 2024. A new date for closing the south entrance will be shared with the public as soon as possible. 

MARTA and its contracting partners, Reeves Young/CERM, apologize for the delays with this project and thank you for your patience as we work to bring one of the oldest stations in the system up to modern standards for you.  

Continues to install elevator rails top section_2

Image Description: The image above is taken from the ground looking up into the elevator shaft as natural light streams in. The elevator is complete with new elevator rails, glass, and brightly painted orange windowpanes.

Project Overview

East Lake Station opened in 1979 and is one of the first stations being renovated under MARTA’s Station Rehabilitation Program. Renovations include a new pedestrian bridge and new elevator on the north side along with a new pedestrian bridge on the south side.   

Project Features:

  • New elevator on north side of the station 
  • New cleaner, safer pedestrian bridges on north and south sides 
  • Parking lot improvements with resurfacing, striping, ADA improvements, light poles, and surveillance cameras

Installing signage north bridge CROPPED

Image description: A member of the construction crew stands on a ladder inside of the new north pedestrian bridge installing signage. The bridge is complete with new flooring, handrails, ceiling, and lighting.

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Please submit comments regarding the project via email to: 
Aubrey Bickerstaff, MARTA Project Manager II

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